Issue 7-Self Doubt





Welcome to our newest innovation!

Each week The (Quantum) Leap summarises a key aspect of success into what you need to Think, Feel and Do to create a personal shift.



“I can’t do it.”
“I’ll make a mess of it.”
“I’m not talented enough.”

Don’t believe everything you think! More often than not, self-doubt is your brain attempting to protect you - from failure, from embarrassment, from pain. It’s a defence mechanism driven by fear and it will hold you back if you let it.

Few people pause to question their inner critic, but it’s a very powerful way to transform self-doubt into self-confidence.

Question your inner voice - argue with it rigorously if you need to.


“Life is found in the dance between your deepest desire and your greatest fear.” Tony Robbins

Letting go of self-doubt means deliberately giving more power to your desires than your fears. When you let your fears drive, you are using your imagination to predict future events that may or may not occur.

Acknowledge the fear and then choose to shift your focus to what you desire.

  • What feelings will the thing you desire deliver for you?
  • How can you bring that to the front of your mind more often?
  • What will you miss out on if you don’t move towards this desire?


Take a quick inventory of the role self-doubt is playing in your life.

  • What are your patterns with self-doubt?
  • Where do you struggle with self-doubt the most?
  • Why do you think that is?
  • How often do you compare yourself to others, instead of to yourself?

Finally, how clear are you on your values? It’s only when you’re clear on your big ‘why’ that you’ll find the courage needed to overcome your doubts and take the risks necessary to create the life of your dreams.

What actions will you take based on the inventory you just completed?

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The Quantum Orange Team

The QO team work hard to make sure our blog is packed with awesome, actionable content for you to read. While some posts are an individual effort, others are brainstormed, reworked, and even debated over lunch. By the time they reach you, the whole gang has contributed to them. So being the emotionally intelligent lot we are - we agreed to simply share the content credit!