Issue 45-End Of Year Review






Each week The (Quantum) Leap summarises a key aspect of success into what you need to Think, Feel and Do to create a personal shift.


Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
~ Aristotle



This time of the year most of us are just going through the motions, rushing from one thing to the next without making the space to reflect and evaluate. We feel like we can’t afford the time, so we don’t pause to think. And the result is that we often get stuck.

Sometimes we finish the year so focused on our struggles we even lose sight of what we have achieved. This doesn’t help us to become who we want to be. We need to allow time for self-reflection.

An end-of-year review is a great tool to make planning easier for the upcoming year. You will know exactly what you should do differently, what else you would like to achieve, and what steps you should take next to work toward your life goals.

Set aside some uninterrupted time. Bring your journal, diary, digital notes in your phone or on your computer - having these on hand may help you answer the questions below.

Bring yourself into the present moment by breathing slowly, focusing on how you’re feeling, and asking yourself what you are grateful for right now.

When you are ready flip through your notes or think through the high and low points of the year. Then write down your answers to the following self-reflection questions:

  • How have you grown and developed this year?
  • What were your three biggest work accomplishments?
  • Are there any other goals that you feel proud of?
  • Have you developed any new skills? What helped you learn them?
  • What was the best decision you made this year? What did you learn from it?
  • What risks did you take? What were the rewards?
  • Have you developed any healthy habits you want to keep
  • What did you stop that you need to start again?
  • What will you NEVER do again?
  • What will you ALWAYS do again?
  • Are there any goals that you had hoped you would achieve that you didn’t?
  • What are the life lessons from what you have done this year?


Now take the time to have an honest look at how you felt about your year. Although it might be difficult face your feelings, this is where you will learn what you need to do move yourself forward.

Write down answers to the following self-reflection questions:

  • What was your predominant feeling during this past year?
  • What do you feel were your high points?
  • When did you feel your heart most open this year?
  • What moment did you feel most alive this year?
  • What do you feel most proud of? Why?
  • What were your low points?
  • What was most challenging for you, and how did it make you feel?
  • What made you feel hurt, angry or sad? Why?
  • What residual feelings do you have about the past year?
  • What are the life lessons your feelings brought you this year?

Emotions often cloud good judgment and you can lose sight of what truly matters. Self-reflection allows you to take a step back and gain perspective on what matters, and what doesn’t, and will hopefully bring you a sense of peace.


Once you’ve looked back at the year that was, it is time to look at where you are now and complete a life audit. Take a broad look at the different parts of your life, see what’s going well and what might need your attention.

Rate each of the following areas from 1 - 5 in terms of how fulfilled you feel in each.
(1 = totally unfulfilled 5 = completely fulfilled)

  • Physical health and fitness
  • Mental health - outlook on life, awareness, motivation
  • Emotional health - self-love, understanding, working with your emotions
  • Relationships - family, friends and partner
  • Home - environment, belongings, resources
  • Career - responsibilities and projects
  • Community - connecting with and giving to your community
  • Money
  • Daily life - habits, routines, overall lifestyle
  • Growth - education, learning, exploration, self improvement
  • Spirituality - your connection with and understanding of the world around you

Once you have rated each area, reflect on why you gave the answer you did.

By reflecting on the reasons for not accomplishing what you wanted to, you create the opportunity to decide to recommit to a particular goal or let it go. This is particularly important when you’re ready to set goals for the new year.

Look for recurring patterns. For example, are there things you have consistently put off or failed to follow through on? Is this a goal you need to let go, or can you develop a strategy to overcome any obstacles that prevent you staying on track?

Keep your insights from these reflection exercises - we will use them in an upcoming edition of The Leap to create a real shift for you next year.

The Quantum Orange Team

The QO team work hard to make sure our blog is packed with awesome, actionable content for you to read. While some posts are an individual effort, others are brainstormed, reworked, and even debated over lunch. By the time they reach you, the whole gang has contributed to them. So being the emotionally intelligent lot we are - we agreed to simply share the content credit!