Issue 36-Burnout






Each week The (Quantum) Leap summarises a key aspect of success into what you need to Think, Feel and Do to create a personal shift.


Stress is never a given. There are people who get divorced amicably. There are people who pack up and move with no emotional toll. There is no stressor ‘out there’ in the world. We experience stress - or we don’t - depending on what we believe.
~ Andrew Bernstein



Dr. Lotte Dyrbye, a physician scientist from the Mayo Clinic, defines burnout as “a manifestation of chronic unmitigated stress.”

People who experience burnout generally complain of exhaustion that feels unshakeable. The fatigue they experience is chronic and continuous - and it will not resolve until the causes of burnout are engaged with physically, mentally and emotionally.

Consider how you behave when your to-do list has more tasks on it than time you have available…do you…

Frantically do what will be catastrophic if left undone?
Work harder?
Skip vital personal tasks like the gym, healthy meals and going to bed early?
Spend on compensatory treats?
Become irritable, angry, sad, anxious, sensitive?
Blame, catastrophize, rant, attack or criticise?

All of the above reactions are common - you are attracted to them because they deliver short term relief, but you will pay for them terribly in the long run.

Making better choices is difficult because it creates temporary discomfort, but when you do you’ll make serious progress.

Reflect on the following:

  • What beliefs do you have that contribute to your emotional exhaustion? e.g. ‘I must be available around the clock’ or ‘I can’t afford to take a break’.
  • What changes could you make to your thinking?
  • How can you mentally detach from work to help you reduce the stress, burnout and emotional exhaustion?


You cannot control the world, but you can control your response to it. Anything less than a full frontal attack on your internal emotional management system is just a bandaid.

Reflect on the following questions:

  • What triggers your feelings of anxiety and overwhelm?
  • Do you often find yourself feeling irritable, impatient or stressed at work?
  • Do you feel like you have enough time for the activities you enjoy?
  • Do you feel like you have enough time with your family?
  • What changes do you need to make, regardless of how hard they may be to implement?
  • What will you do to get through the emotional discomfort as you make these changes?


To overcome burnout, stress and anxiety it helps to focus on the bigger picture of your life. To increase your awareness of your values and reflect on the meaning and importance of these values ask yourself:

  • What really matters to me?
  • How do I want to show up in the world?
  • Want do I want my legacy to be?
  • What is my ‘why’ for taking back control of my time and my life right now?
  • What activities help me replenish my energy? Commit to action them.
  • Which boundaries am I going to need to hold to?
    What will you do to get through the danger zone going forward?

Remember - stress is not created ‘out there’. Stress is an internal issue. You cannot control the world - but you can control your response to it.

The Quantum Orange Team

The QO team work hard to make sure our blog is packed with awesome, actionable content for you to read. While some posts are an individual effort, others are brainstormed, reworked, and even debated over lunch. By the time they reach you, the whole gang has contributed to them. So being the emotionally intelligent lot we are - we agreed to simply share the content credit!