Issue 24: Limiting Money Beliefs
Each week The (Quantum) Leap summarises a key aspect of success into what you need to Think, Feel and Do to create a personal shift.
Last week we encouraged you to boost your awareness of your habits with money. That awareness is what will enable you to shift old limiting beliefs and break negative money patterns and programs.
A big part of changing limiting beliefs is being aware of what you wish to change - the hidden ‘choices’ you made long ago that are still impacting your life today.
When you begin to uncover limiting beliefs about money, it is important to ensure you’re comprehensive in your examination. Look at your beliefs about yourself, about other people and about life in general. Doing so will give you the ammunition necessary to eradicate your limiting beliefs about money.
Negative beliefs about money example:
- I don’t deserve money.
- Money doesn’t like me.
- I am poor.
- Rich people are greedy.
- Rich people are unspiritual.
- People with money don’t care about other people.
- Money doesn’t grow on trees.
- Money is the root of all evil.
- It is hard to make money.
Your results are a reflection of the beliefs you hold about yourself, others and life in general. In this sense they are a mirror of your beliefs and can help you identify them.
Bring to mind your financial results in a particular area of your life and look at any challenges you are experiencing. Write down the challenges.
Now, ask yourself: ‘What must I believe to get those results and experience these challenges?’ Write down your answer.
Beliefs almost always have accompanying emotions. The stronger the belief, the stronger, more ‘charged’ the emotions will be that surround it. Changing your beliefs at a purely intellectual level will be ineffective unless you also examine, and allow yourself to experience, the emotions that surround and intensify those beliefs.
Bring to mind a negative belief you hold about money. While you think about it, notice the feelings that accompany it. Explore them fully and write down descriptions of them.
What happens to your energy while you are thinking about this negative belief?
The combination of mindset and action is critical for change in all areas of our lives, and is especially important when it comes to our financial wellbeing.
Make the decision to reset the limiting beliefs that are holding you back - and then take action to manage your money.
What are your new money beliefs?
What actions do you need to take immediately?
What actions do you need to be prepared to take in the future in order to stay on track?
One thing you need to be crystal clear on - unless you have a balanced relationship with money, you will not be able to make choices that serve you and reflect your aspirations.