Issue 19-Personal Leadership






Each week The (Quantum) Leap summarises a key aspect of success into what you need to Think, Feel and Do to create a personal shift.

Personal leadership is not a singular experience. It is, rather, the ongoing process of keeping your vision and values before you and aligning your life to be congruent with those most important things.
~ Stephen Covey


How well do you lead yourself?

Developing the skill of personal leadership is a process that requires regular reflection and self-evaluation. It requires you hold yourself accountable to a personal set of values, beliefs and goals. It means acting with integrity, even when no one else is paying attention, and taking action that is consistent with those beliefs and values.

There are two key areas that will support you in developing strong personal leadership skills: taking responsibility and feeling your emotions.

Make the time to run a personal responsibility audit by going within and answering the following questions…

  • Are there any areas in your life where you are not taking enough responsibility?
  • Are there any areas in your life where you are living in victim mode?
  • Are there any areas in your life where you are consistently blaming or complaining?
  • Are there any areas in your life where it feels as though you are being negatively impacted on by another person or situation?
  • Are there any areas in your life where you are taking on too much responsibility?


Too often, we suppress or avoid our feelings, not allowing them to run their course and serve their purpose. But when we deny our emotions, we give them the power to impact on our behaviours from the background, making it much more difficult to act with integrity and responsibility.

Instead, we need to let ourselves feel it all. The good, the bad and the ugly. Because when we do, not only do we gain the experience of being fully alive and engaged with life, but we can let the emotions go easily. After all, they’ve done their job.

Ask yourself:

  • Are there any areas in your life where you have suppressed or avoided anger?
  • Are there any areas in your life where you have suppressed or avoided sadness?
  • Are there any areas in your life where you have suppressed or avoided fear?
  • Are there any areas in your life where you have suppressed or avoided shame/guilt?
  • Are there any areas in your life where you have suppressed or avoided joy?
  • Are there any areas in your life where you have suppressed or avoided love?
  • Are there any situations or circumstances you haven’t allowed yourself to feel through fully?


What’s the next step?

When it comes to responsibility, the best way forward is to change your perspective. Look at where you are taking more or less responsibility than is congruent with your values and make the necessary adjustments to correct course. End blame and criticism and preserve your integrity.

As far as feelings are concerned, the path forward is pretty simple - allow yourself to feel it all. Let yourself experience each emotion fully, learn from it and let it go. This is the only way to gain the full experience of being human.

The Quantum Orange Team

The QO team work hard to make sure our blog is packed with awesome, actionable content for you to read. While some posts are an individual effort, others are brainstormed, reworked, and even debated over lunch. By the time they reach you, the whole gang has contributed to them. So being the emotionally intelligent lot we are - we agreed to simply share the content credit!